
TrustChain started in January/2023 to address challenges of the current centralized Internet, such as lack of transparency and privacy-by-default, and will distribute a total of €8.755.000 over 5 calls. The main focus of the currently open call on “User Privacy and Data Governance” is in building trustworthy platforms that preserve privacy and offer data governance.

Who can apply?

Developers, innovators, researchers, SMEs working on Next Generation Internet topics, and applications on technical fields (e.g., Software Engineering, Network Security, Semantic Web, Cryptography, Blockchain, Digital Twin, Blockchain Security, Digital Identity, Blockchain Protocol), social sciences and humanities (e.g., social Innovation, not-for-profit sector, social entrepreneurship, public goods) as well as any other including economics, environment, arts and design who can contribute to the NGI TrustChain relevant vision.

Relevant steps.

  • Admissibility and eligibility check;
  • Proposal evaluation; and
  • Online interviews.

For that, experts will provide support to successful projects on: a) technology development, b) working methodology, c) technical infrastructure, d) business model development training, and e) coaching, mentoring, visibility and networking/community building.

How to participate?

Applications are open until September 20th, 2023, 17:00 (Brussels time):

Find out more at:

About TrustChain.

TrustChain will tackle several challenges pertaining to trustworthy and reliable digital identity, to resilient, secure and reliable data pathways, to economics and trading of data, to energy efficiency for data storage, transport and sharing, to seamless services and data flows. A new trustworthy data governance and sharing model in line with the European regulatory framework and taking into account European values will be developed that will ensure Trusted Data Ecosystems.

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