
Elisabeth Frisch, Luxinnovation, speaks about transnational R&D project fundingEureka has a significant presence in about 47 European and non-European countries making it the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation. It offers the possibility for partners from different countries to collaborate on projects with national co-funding obtained by each on their own but via a coordinated procedure.

Luxembourg is represented by the Ministry of the Economy, the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and Luxinnovation, the organiser of information day scheduled to take place on 14 November at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

“The main objective is to unlock key opportunities within the global network for all Luxembourg companies and research players,” explains Elisabeth Frisch, Advisor Corporate R&D and Innovation Support at Luxinnovation and Eureka and Eurostars Project Officer. “The presence of both Luxembourgish enterprises and network partners will enhance the reach of our collective ecosystems,” she adds.

International R&D collaborations are enablers for innovation and market expansion.

Distinguished speakers and panellists

The information day boasts an exceptional array of speakers bringing a rich tapestry of expertise. Marco Walentiny, Chargé de direction Financement et Aides d’État at the Ministry of the Economy and the high-level representative for the Eureka network in Luxembourg will give the opening speech together with Barbara Grau, Head of Corporate R&D and Innovation Support at Luxinnovation. The agenda includes sessions that explain the guidelines for obtaining national funding, success stories from Luxembourg, and panel discussions on the benefits of global collaboration, both generally and in niche areas like space. It also includes an in-depth look at Eureka programmes and clusters.

“Implementing an international project with the Eureka cluster Xecs gives you access to the best partners from the whole Electronics, Components, and Systems value chain, stimulates innovative ideas, speeds up your R&D and innovation, and helps you to bring your innovation to the market and thus creating impact,” explains one of the speakers Nadja Rohrbach, Director of Xecs, the Eureka cluster for digital sustainable transformation.

Implementing an international project with the Eureka cluster Xecs gives you access to the best partners.

Under Eureka, Luxembourg partners generally receive an average of €0.22 million per project. Since 1985, €56.30 million have been mobilised. Several companies and researchers will share their varying experiences. For instance, technology solutions company HITEC recently concluded a project and is now preparing another application. Another speaker on the panel is actively involved in a Eurostars project, one of the highly sought after Eureka programmes in Luxembourg. A panellist with direct experience as a project partner will also provide valuable insights.

“These diverse perspectives offer a wealth of opportunities for various project types and companies, including large corporations, SMEs, and research institutes,” emphasises Ms Frisch.

B2B matchmaking

Participants are encouraged to register for the b2b matchmaking session, where they can explore potential collaborations. “This is a fantastic opportunity not only for fostering partnerships but also for setting up initial points of contact or gaining insights into the collaborative process,” states Ms Frisch. “It is a great way to get a more personal feeling on how it all works,” she adds.

29 different countries are collaborating with Luxembourg under Eureka and 258 Luxembourg organisations have so far been involved.

It is a step further towards global readiness of products and services.

“International R&D collaborations are enablers for innovation and market expansion, while ensuring fitness for partners’ markets. It is a step further towards global readiness of products and services,” asserts Dr Grégory Nain, Co-founder and Head of Operations of DataThings, who will be on one of the panels.

Funding priorities near home and abroad

Barbara Grau, LuxinnovationUnderstanding the specific priorities of different countries is crucial for researchers and companies seeking funding or partnerships. The information day will explore these key areas in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Canada. “Some countries may prioritise projects in manufacturing, space or technology. By being aware of these preferences, companies can align their collaboration interests accordingly,” says Ms Frisch.

Eric Holdrinet, Industrial Technology Advisor at the National Research Council (NRC) Canada, who will be bringing the Canadian angle on the panel, mentions that “having Canadian partners is a good way to get a foothold in the North American and American market.”

This info day stands out as an essential platform that offers unparalleled opportunities for meaningful connections.

“Collaborations are crucial for translating concepts into tangible projects. Luxinnovation supports several entities to find suitable project partners within Eureka’s network, both locally and abroad. This info day stands out as an essential platform that offers unparalleled opportunities for meaningful connections,” concludes Ms Grau.

Photo credit: Shutterstock, Luxinnovation

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