
Digital readiness index ranking 2019Cisco’s Digital Readiness Index 2019 assesses a country’s readiness by examining seven standardised components and summarising the overall score. Luxembourg is ranked 2nd, after Singapore but ahead of leading digital nations such as the United States, Denmark, Sweden and South Korea.

Holistic understanding

“The Cisco Global Digital Readiness Index has been created to help nations understand how well-positioned they are to take advantage of the benefits of digitisation,” the company states. “A holistic view of digital readiness was taken, examining multiple factors that indicate the progress that a nation has made towards digital maturity, and demonstrating areas of strength while providing guidance as to how they can invest to improve their overall readiness.”

Leading start-up environment

Luxembourg performs particularly well in the component Start-Up Environment, where it ranks 1st in the world. The country ranks 3rd in the category Technology Adoption, which assesses the demand for digital products and services, and 4th for Business & Government Investment in innovation and technology.

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Luxembourg to set up its quantum computer


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Luxembourg 3rd in World Talent Ranking


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