

Philharmonie Luxembourg, Place de l'Europe
Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

The Luxembourg Renminbi Forum gathers high-level speakers and industry practitioners to discuss Chinese policy in the context of the country’s transformation from an investment to a consumption-led economy.

For the 4th consecutive time, the Forum will provide an enriching platform for panels to address the Chinese government’s steps to further reform its market economy. Discussions aim at introducing the different channels for foreign investors to invest into China and vice versa, Chinese investors’ options to invest abroad. Further topics include China’s needs and programs in green finance and the explosion (skyrocketing development) of mobile payments. The Forum will also give an outlook on the future of Europe’s relations with China in financial services.

The one-day conference is a unique opportunity to leverage extensive knowledge and networking, bringing together an international audience of investors and policy makers in the elegant venue of the Philharmonie in Luxembourg.


Green technology trade missionFrom 07/11/2017 to 10/11/2017

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1. Saarländischer Automobiltag09/05/2017

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