
With an average net monthly salary of €3,718 ($4,292) and an average of 1,703 working hours and 32 paid vacation days per year, Luxembourg is ranked first in the study “Best Cities for Working Less and Earning More” by Expert Market. The study also notes that all Luxembourg citizens have access to universal free healthcare.

Munich and Paris hold the 2nd and 3rd places on the list, respectively. The top 10 list is completely dominated by European cities. The first non-European city is New York that ranks 13th, followed by Sydney in 21st place and Dubai on 25th.

Ranking cities with best work/life balance

Check out Ten good reasons to choose Luxembourg

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South Korean Vsion opens European HQ in Luxembourg


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Sustainable composite materials for vehicles of the future


The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology creates sustainable composite materials fulfilling the needs of transport equipment manufacturers.
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“An international view on the European healthtech market”


Carole Brückler at the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy speaks about why companies should attend the European Digital Healthtech Conference on 14-15 May 2024.
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Luxembourg one of the world’s 20 top financial centres


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LIST and Expon Capital to attract AI companies to Luxembourg


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