


Ambassade de la République tchèque 2, rond-point Robert Schuman
2525 Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

A Czech-Luxembourgish Robotics Day, on May 14, 2019, is born out of the common passion for artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous systems – be it in electronics, software or materials.

Some of the most prominent researchers of both countries, accompanied by a number of entrepreneurs in those domains, closely cooperating with leading world companies, such as Airbus, ESC Aerospace, Lego, Microsoft, Siemens, VW, Toyota, and others, will present their R&D products.

Autonomous systems, pattern recognition, machine learning, robotic platforms, autonomous telepresence, robots for manufacturing, computer vision and space software solutions, such as RICAIP – a unique industrial testbed for robotic manufacturing, elaborated  in cooperation with DFKI Saarbrücken as a core of the European distributed testbed facility under development – will be discussed.


SIM-AM 201911/09/2019

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Luxembourg Materials & Manufacturing Cluster | Meet a Member | Wizata04/06/2019

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